The operator switchboard is the central point for communication in your company. The first and very important customer contact is handled mainly at the switchboard. High availability on the phone and no loss of telephone calls are the important steps towards success.
It is even better if customers and business-partners experience a friendly, competent and fast transfer to the desired person, and if you can also provide detailed information at short hand the first positive Impression is guaranteed.
Telesnap Attendant can be operated by mouse or keyboard. It has multi subscriber capability (announcement, on screen information, drop targets definable per subscriber. Displays caller information (name, company, department, phone, email) and information of the transfer target, when the data can be found in an LDAP, Lotus Notes, MsOutlook/Exchange, SAP R/3, Novell Groupwise, KlickTel or ODBC database
The attendant can email a telephone note to the target
person. Telesnap Attendant also provides a SMS messaging function (SMS gateway required). User-friendly attendant console, advanced calendar integration and high scalability. Closely integrated with Snapware. Supports Cisco Unified CallManager.